Recently in DAILY LIFE Category

December 8, 2009


Oh, it's Christmas Time! I rarely do anything special but baking "Plätzchen" (Christmas cookies in German).


The colorful ones will travel to Japan for my niece and nephews, and the other ones are for everybody else including me! But it's just the beginning, I'll bake more and more and more...!

October 31, 2009

Jack O' Lantern 2009

It's my very first Jack o' lantern.

By day.
 Jack O' Lantern 2009

And by night.
Jack O' Lantern 2009

October 28, 2009

Chocolate-Strawberry Roll Cake

Chocolate-Strawberry Roll Cake

Suddenly I wanted to eat something which demands me to use my delicate sense.

And then, I had a little hard time to find some recipe which is easy but tasty enough because the word "delicate" is actually far beyond me. I mean, I can't make anything which requires  special skill, or which is complicated to make.

Finally, I found a simple recipe to make this roll cake, which has only a few easy steps to make and is delicious as well! I'm totally satisfied with the result even though it has some holes in the cream. It's ok, then it was my very first trial!

October 27, 2009


In this morning, it began to snow...


On our front porch.

The snow is getting thicker and it looks whiter and whiter......

Actually I'm not ready for winter yet.
Come back, sunshine again, please!

October 26, 2009

A Lovely Day in Autumn

A Day in Autumn

August 9, 2007

City Park

City Park, Denver